Opportunities in the margins from Stephanie on Vimeo.

For my graduation work from the Royal College of Art I conducted a covert research project to explore the ethic & moral parameters in design research.
During two months in the winter of 2014 I went undercover as a housekeeper in a hotel and a food delivery man in the city of London. Embedding myself secretly within these two systems and equipped with various covert documenting and collecting tools I attempted to find realistic, if not entirely legal, means for these workers to use their positions to gain informational and biological data to sell on either the white, grey or black markets.

The resulting videos and documents not only reflect on mass surveillance becoming an accepted and growing commodity, but also my personal concerns on the economic and emotional toll people entrapped on the fringes of society are subjected to.
The final project resulted in two videos, research papers and collected data. One of the videos is password protected, as it is constructed with real footage. If you would like access, please contact me.